3 TIPS for Office Design!

Our offices are where we tap into our most expansive creativity,  we innovate and we focus deeply, so we can service.  Can our work spaces ALSO be a place where we express our individuality and play?  I think they must!

Last year, I designed and moved into a creative haven a few blocks from my cottage in Laguna Beach, California.  It makes going to "work" a pleasure and a joy and my team and I find we are at our best now that we are more supported with our space.  Below are 3 TIPS to make your workspace support and nurture all that you want to share with the world. 

1.  Let nature In:  Sunlight, plants and natural materials help us feel grounded and connected.  There have been so many studies done about why this is so beneficial in work environments.

2.  Express Yourself: I know you have your own special things that you love and maybe those hobbies or interests are lying dormant.  They might take you back to when you were a kid.  Come on...what are they? Express it and enjoy some midday breaks where you can play a bit and tap into that way of being that is SO YOU.

3.  Be Bold:  This is the space that requires us to be on, alert, and mentally agile.  Our work environment should be stimulating so be bold!  Use colors, materials and artifacts that are instimulating.  This is the place to feel Alive in!

Check out our new Design Studio on Instagram: Link
